Friday 27 May 2011

cause collateral

For our cause collateral we are giving out messages in bottles, inside the bottle there is a sheet of paper with our facebook URL and one of four random facts about cigarette butts.
As our group is trying to teach people about how cigarette butts hurt the environment it is a hard subject to talk about because many people take a lot of offence when you talk to them about their smoking and thats why we chose the message in a bottle approach, they are small and cute and mysterious.
A lot of people wanted a bottle and wanted to see what was inside and because we didnt write too much on the note it made them want to go to our facebook to find out more.


With everyone in the class adding and subtracting letters to their rebusses i opted for a more simplistic approach.
I love you is pretty simple to understand but when you throw in an animal that looks the same in both genders and one of which many people do not know one genders name it becomes quite confusing.
What i mean by that is it could be read i heart sheep or i love sheep but infact it is meant to read i love you because a female sheep is called a ewe.

I did not want to use letters in my rebus so it was hard to think of one straight away and even planning left me needing to use a letter or two, i also found that the longer the rebus was the more chance i would have to use a letter, so finally i used a short rebus resulting in one without letters, only using pictures.

philosophy - visual conventions

It is absolutely amazing how many stereotypes there are and how many judgements are made about people based solely from their haircut, i’m going to focus this section just on the hair issue because its pretty funny.
Hairstyles are a result of a trend or social pattern of a time and because of this the groups in which they are associated with and they social perception of that group carries onto anyone with that haircut.
I’m not very good at explaining things so ill keep trying but basically if you see someone with a mohawk almost everyone you ask would say oh hes a rebel or a punk and likes rock music, these are the general stereotypes im talking about. A great one is the ‘arty’ look hairstyle where you have the top medium length and the sides and back shaved, many people assume  that a male with that hairstyle is arty or does something to do with design, i showed pictures of different haircuts to ten friends to see if i was right and generally eight to ten of them said exactly what i thought they would and ten of ten agreed mullets are disgusting.
Although im not sure if what i’m trying to say is coming out right i’m sure you kinda understand what i mean.

Thursday 14 April 2011

It's been a while

So i was having some problems with my blog and home life so i couldn't upload this faster but here it is, three logos for the cause and my road signs for.... CIRCLE LAND! where everything is circular.. exciting i know.

The tribal symbols - from top to bottom, an abstract one influenced by leaves, the second is a dying flower facing away from the viewer, the last being a heart (obviously)

All of them incorporate earth related colours such as the browns greens and blue, very organic colours and movement to try and convey the feeling of the cause and simplicity for easy legibility and understanding.

I used the brush tool for a more organic and natural feel because the cause is primarily based around organic and natural things... i think.. :)

Alright so those are my road signs, they are based around circles, i drew it with the brush and currently am not so sure how successful i was but i will most likely try again and post another one if i can make it better. 

Tuesday 15 March 2011

WEEK 2 - lizard lizard

This week we made objects from shapes (i can't remember what they are called but it was fun).
I think i mostly made animals.. im not really good at playing with shapes like this so it was interesting to see how good my animals turned out.. not. 
I found that putting the shapes together randomly usually ended with an octopus of some sort or a square/rectangle so i was forced to use what little brain power i have and this is what i came up with.

a little bird hopping around

a turtle in its shell

a scorpian


im pretty sure this was meant to be a stingray although im not too sure anymore.. :S

WEEK 1 - humpty dumpty g6 edition

So creating humpty using symbols seemed pretty boring at first but then i thought i can totally make this all metaphorical and stuff.. but it still seemed boring.
I started out making it too literally, with a guy on a wall or building and falling and getting hurt but then i was making them too confusing with trees and stock markets and the ocean so i just did the in between which happens to be a g6 jet, flying, calling for help in a storm, crashing and the survivor left out at sea.